Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bicycle Lane

The plan was to go to Copenhagen today. The weather forecast for saturday looked great all week: sunny with a high of 50 degrees! However, this morning came and no sun. It was just another dreary saturday, but we were determined to make the most of it. So, after a quick brunch at a nearby café, we decided to walk around some areas of Malmö I hadn't seen yet. I am sure you will notice the bicycles in some of the pictures. When you first get here you can't help but notice all of the bicycles everywhere. I was unaware of the separate bike lane for a while and was constantly dodging the seemingly rogue bicyclists. Then one day, while trying to cross the street and barely avoiding yet another one coming straight for me, my boyfriend stated casually, "You know you are standing in the bicycle lane." As the girl obnoxiously rang her little bell to get my attention I felt pretty stupid and proceeded to get mad at him for not pointing this out to me yet. I was just embarrassed that it had been over a month and  I hadn't noticed it on my own. I just assumed the lane was for bikes and pedestrians. Here are some pics of this dreary saturday in Malmö...